






【京都大学高等研究院 准教授 公募要項】

職種 准教授
募集人員 1名
所属 京都大学高等研究院
勤務場所 京都大学高等研究院(京都市左京区吉田牛ノ宮町)
勤務内容 ヒト科(ヒト、チンパンジー、ボノボ、ゴリラ、オランウータン)、その 他の霊長類、ならびに霊長類以外の中大型の哺乳類などを対象にして、比較認知科学の立場から野生ないし飼育下での研究を推進するとともに大学院教育をおこなう。
資格等 博士の学位を有すること。
着任時期 2017(平成29)年10月1日(又は10月1日以降できるだけ早い時期)
任期 なし
勤務形態 専門業務型裁量労働制(週38時間45分相当、1日7時間45分相当)
給与・手当等 本学支給基準に基づき支給
社会保険 文部科学省共済組合,厚生年金,雇用保険および労災保険に加入
応募方法および必要書類 必要書類を下記送付先に電子メールで送付してください。


  • 履歴書
  • 研究論文の目録と、主要論文(ただし3編以内)の別刷
  • 研究論文以外の印刷公表物の目録
  • 所属学会と活動歴、外部資金(科研費等)の受領歴、受賞歴
  • これまでにおこなってきた研究内容の要旨(2000字程度)
  • 採用された場合におこなう研究の目的・方法等の要旨(2000字程度)
  • 対象動物に関わった経験と、保全および福祉に関する抱負(2000字程度)
  • 推薦者2名の氏名とメール連絡先

京都大学高等研究院事務部 総務企画掛
送付先:2017kobo_KUIAS [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

応募締め切り 2017(平成29)年7月31日(月)17時(必着)
選考方法 書類審査及び必要に応じて面接審査を行う場合があります。
問い合わせ先 京都大学高等研究院事務部 総務企画掛
Eメール:2017kobo_KUIAS [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
その他 応募書類は採用審査にのみ使用します。

Application closed (Augusut 1, 2017)

Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study announced that it has an opening for an Associate Professor.

The following English version is a translation. Please refer to the original Japanese version.

Note: Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS) is an international hub of research, where experts from diverse fields of study gather to pursue research across disciplines. Consequently, KUIAS has ties with many different departments of Kyoto University, and the study of Comparative Cognitive Science is no exception. Candidates for the job are therefore advised to refer to the following websites for details:

Institution Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS)
Job Title Associate Professor
Number of Positions One (1)
Opening Date July 12, 2017
Closing Date July 31, 2017, 5:00 p.m. (Japanese Standard Time)
Employment Date October 1, 2017 (at the earliest)
Term Limit None (tenure position)
Place of Work Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS), Kyoto, Japan
Salary and Benefits To be determined in accordance with the Kyoto University Regulations Regarding Salaries of Faculty and Staff, subject to the successful candidate’s qualifications and achievements (non-negotiable)
Social Insurance Eligible for MEXT* mutual aid association membership, employees’ pension, employment insurance, and workers’ accident compensation insurance

*MEXT: Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Working Hours A discretionary labor system to be applied, in which the successful candidate will be deemed to have worked for 38.75 hours per week or 7.75 hours per working day, even if he/she actually has worked more or less (but not zero) than such hours each day (standard working hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.)
Holidays Saturdays and Sundays; Statutory public holidays of Japan; Year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 through January 3); Kyoto University’s Foundation Day (June 18); Summer holidays (three consecutive days in mid-August)

1. Job Description

Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS) is seeking a suitable candidate for the position of Associate Professor in the field of “Comparative Cognitive Science,” focusing on hominoids (humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans), other primates, or mid- to large-sized non-primate mammals, in the wild state or in captivity. The successful candidate will be expected to advance his/her original cutting-edge research in this area, and also to take the role in educating graduate students.

2. Application Procedure

Candidates are requested to submit the documents listed below via e-mail, putting them in the same order as in the list into a single PDF file titled “Application for Associate Professor Position.” Applications are acceptable in either Japanese or English.

  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of academic publications and reprints of up to three (3) research papers
  • List of other publications
  • Detailed record of academic activities (affiliated societies), as well as research grants and awards received
  • Summary of research conducted up to present (about 1,000 words)
  • Outline of research intended by the candidate at KUIAS, when accepted (about 1,000 words)
  • Experience with study animals, and personal goals regarding animal conservation and/or welfare (about 1,000 words)
  • Names and e-mail addresses of two (2) personal references

All documents must arrive at KUIAS by the deadline (July 31, 2017, 5:00 p.m. JST) via e-mail at:
2017kobo_KUIAS [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

3. Selection Procedure and Feedback to Candidates

Selection will be done through screening of documents and interviews.
An internal committee will be set up to evaluate all candidates based on their submitted documents and interview results. Each candidate will be informed of the final decision pertaining to him- or herself only.

Application documents are not returnable. All submitted documents and personal information of candidates contained therein will be used solely for the purpose of screening and will not be disclosed, transferred or lent to any third party without justifiable grounds.

4. Gender Equality

Kyoto University promotes gender equality. Responses and applications from female researchers are highly welcomed.

Contact For further details, please contact KUIAS via e-mail at:
2017kobo_KUIAS [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp